Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics (SOFT)
Technical Co-Sponsors:
The Korea Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems Society (KFIS)
IEEE Neural Network Society (IEEE NNS)
The International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)
Advanced Information Technology Research Center, KAIST (AITrc)
In Cooperation with:
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Supported by:
Architectural Institute of Japan
Human Interface Society
(HP: Japanese Only)
Information Processing Society of Japan
Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
Japan Association for Social and Economic Systems Studies
Japan Ergonomics Society
Mathematical Society of Japan
The Behaviormetric Society of Japan
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
The Japan Research Association for Textile End-uses
(HP: Japaese Only)
The Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science
(HP: Japaese Only)
The Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology
The Japanese Psychological Association
The Robotics Society of Japan
The Society for Biotechnology, Japan
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
The Virtual Reality Society of Japan
(HP: Japaese Only)